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HomeBlogHealthVapingLaunch of a new study on the long-term effects of vaping on vascular health

Launch of a new study on the long-term effects of vaping on vascular health

Assessing the long-term effects of vaping on the circulatory system of the body is the goal of a recent study.

Manchester Metropolitan University researchers will compare the health markers of e-cigarette users to those of smokers and non-users.

The study, which should take 18 months to finish, will assess the neck and arm blood vessels’ flexibility, which is a sign of good vascular health. It will also examine the vessels’ overall quality.

According to studies, smokers’ elasticity is inferior to that of non-smokers. Researchers think vapers have similar effects.
According to a researcher from the university’s Institute of Sport, the study will examine both the short-term and long-term impacts of vaping on vascular health.
Thus, we can observe the initial indicators of this dysfunctional vaping behaviour at this time.

a three-year-old vaper who was once a smoker.I think my addiction to it is definitely greater than that of cigarettes. Furthermore, it is much more difficult to stop when you can always carry it around in your pocket or on your person.

The study was started at a time when there has been a greater demand for investigation into the long-term implications of vaping.

There are also rumours that the government may outlaw single-use vape pens in an effort to reduce youth use. It has been suggested that adult smokers switch to vaping as a cigarette cessation method.

Although it is unquestionably far less dangerous than smoking, there are still risks involved, according to the chief executive of Action on Smoking and Health.

More extensive studies are necessary to demonstrate the effects and warn nonsmokers of the dangers associated with vaping.

Should you be encountering any of the difficulties outlined in this article, please reach out to us, and our team will try to help in any way possible.


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