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HomeBlogVapingScotland may propose outlawing single-use vaporizers.

Scotland may propose outlawing single-use vaporizers.

Scotland’s first minister outlined proposals to outlaw disposable e-cigarettes.
The environmental impact of the plastic tubes, which are frequently discarded on the ground after usage, has been brought to the attention of campaigners.
There have been concerns expressed regarding their increasing appeal among youth.
As he outlined his goals for the upcoming year. He announced that his government would begin consultations on a ban on single-use vapes.

I hear too often about how common vaping is among our young people, he said to the Scottish Parliament.We’ll take steps in the upcoming year to cut down on vaping, especially among kids. With pleasure, I declare that our administration will hold consultations over limiting the sale of single-use, disposable vapes, including exploring the possibility of a complete ban.
According to a recent Scottish government survey, 78,000 or 22% of all under-18s are thought to have used a vape last year; more youth use vapes than smoke cigarettes.
It was discovered that single-use vapes are preferred by the majority of e-cigarette users under the age of 18.
According to Zero Waste Scotland’s analysis, there were as many as 2.7 million single-use vapes left lying around in Scotland during the previous year.
According to the report, there were 543,000 e-cigarette users in Scotland in 2027; if nothing changes, that number is expected to increase to 900,000 by then.

According to an Office of National Statistics (ONS) survey, more young women in the UK appear to be vaping on a daily basis.
In 2022, 6.7% of women between the ages of 16 and 24 reported doing it, up from 1.9% in 2021.
This indicates an approximate increase in the UK from roughly 62,000 to 225,000.
The investigation into a single-use vape ban, according to Scottish Greens MSP Gillian Mackay, will “protect generations of young smokers from untold harm to their health.
This is too important for political games, she stated, predicting a fake uproar from the cigarette business and possibly even the UK government, which enjoys nothing more than interfering with choices made by our Parliament.There is an urgent and growing need for action, according to medical experts and environmental activists.

Should you be encountering any of the problems discussed in this article, please do not hesitate to contact us, and we will try to assist you in any way we can. 


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