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Symptoms Of Too Much Vaping

Vaping is becoming more and more popular, but not as benign as some people think. Vaping can lead to addiction. There are also many side effects of vaping. It is important to be able to recognize the side effects of vaping and seek help before serious health effects occur.

Signs and Symptoms of Vaping Too Much

According to one study, two commonly used ingredients in arc juice, glycol and glycerin, are upper respiratory tract irritants that can cause inflammation of the throat and mouth and a dry cough. But perhaps the biggest symptom of excessive vaping is the development of addiction to the most commonly vaporizing chemical, nicotine. 

Vaping Nicotine is addictive because it works in the brain. Nicotine quickly enters the brain, activates reward pathways, and induces the release of endorphin, the body’s natural painkiller. Vaporing is a particularly powerful way to expose your brain to nicotine, as the juices used contain such concentrated amounts of nicotine. The liquid nicotine used in e-cigarettes is absorbed much faster in regular cigarettes than in tobacco-derived nicotine. There are also many other side effects of vaping.

Side Effects of Vaping:

Many side effects of vaping have been reported, including:

  • Weight loss/Gain
  • Nausea
  • Chest pain from vaping
  • Dry mouth
  • Dizziness
  • Cough
  • Itchiness
  • Dry eyes
  • Nosebleeds

Weight loss/gain

Nicotine is considered by many to be an appetite suppressant and is accidentally enhanced by caffeine, but there is little conclusive evidence to support its effectiveness in actual weight loss. 

Nicotine is a stimulant, and other similar stimulants (such as caffeine) are associated with fat burning by increasing metabolic rate. But burning fat and losing weight are not the same thing. Also, appetite suppressants are not the same as “weight loss”. 

If someone happens to experience weight loss by inhaling vapors, a simpler explanation is that inhaling vapors is a calorie-free oral correction. 

Many vapers find that the sweet flavor of vaping reduces the need for candies. On the other hand, when you stop vaping, lack of hand-to-mouth behavior can be replaced by calories that can lead to weight gain. The nicotine pouch provides a way to end vaping while getting nicotine, flavor, and mouth corrections.


If you feel nauseous when you vape, it may be due to nicotine. Similar to the side effects of over-the-counter nicotine replacement therapies such as gums and patches, the sensation of upset stomach has been identified as a common side effect of nicotine use. Smokers often report the same when they start smoking. 

Did you notice that nausea has nothing to do with nicotine use? In that case, it could be a reaction to the particular e-juice you are using. 

A simple solution is to reduce consumption or eliminate possible causes. However, stomach problems, such as dizziness and lightheadedness of vapor-breathing nicotine, often resolve spontaneously with a little time. 

Chest pain from vaping

There are various reasons for chest pain when inhaling vapor. Excessive heat, large amounts of nicotine, or even certain flavors of certain electronic liquids can be the cause.  Some users of the vaping forum have stated that cinnamon (flammable) liquids containing the chemical flavor cinnamaldehyde cause chest pain. Regardless of the cause, chest pain may not be a minor problem, but a sign of a more serious health problem. 

Vaping side effects in perspective

Many of the perceived side effects of vaping are actually side effects of nicotine use.

However, some of these side effects are inherent in vaping itself. An important thing to keep in mind is that vaping is not intended as a health product. However, it is a much safer alternative when comparing vaping and smoking. 

If you are among the millions of people using vaping instead of smoking, you should see mild side effects of vaping compared to the absolute danger of smoking a cigarette.

If any of the issues discussed in this article are causing problems for you, please do not hesitate to contact us, and we will try to assist you in any way possible.


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