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HomeBlogVapingThe Most Common Places Children and Teenagers Hide Vapes

The Most Common Places Children and Teenagers Hide Vapes


Vaping among children and teenagers has become a growing concern for parents and educators alike. With the rise of discreet vaping devices, young individuals have found creative ways to conceal their habits. Understanding where these devices are typically hidden can help guardians take proactive steps. This article explores the most common hiding spots for vapes and offers insights into spotting them.

Why Teens Hide Vapes

The surge in underage vaping is alarming. Teens often hide vapes to avoid repercussions from parents or school authorities. The compact design of modern vaping devices makes them easy to conceal, further complicating detection.

Top Hiding Spots at Home

  1. Clothing and Accessories
    • Hoodies and Jackets: Inner pockets provide easy concealment.
    • Sock Drawers: A classic spot for hiding small items.
    • Bags and Backpacks: Especially in seldom-used compartments.
  2. Bedroom Furniture
    • Under the Bed: Boxes or containers tucked away.
    • Inside Pillows or Stuffed Toys: Zippered sections can hide devices.
    • Behind Books on Shelves: Creating a hidden nook.
  3. Electronics and Gadgets
    • Old Game Consoles: Hollow sections are perfect for storage.
    • Computer Towers: Inside unused ports or compartments.
    • Speaker Systems: Especially those with detachable parts.
  4. Bathroom Areas
    • Toiletry Bags: Mixed in with personal hygiene items.
    • Under Sink Cabinets: Behind cleaning supplies.
    • Inside Towel Folds: Especially in stacked linens.

Concealment in School Settings

  1. Lockers
    • Hidden behind books or personal items.
  2. Pencil Cases
    • Modified to fit vaping devices among stationery.
  3. Clothing
    • Long Sleeves: Devices held in hand, concealed by sleeves.
    • Shoe Compartments: Inside high-top sneakers or boots.
    • Unusual Scents: Sweet or fruity odors not typical of standard fragrances.
    • Increased Thirst: Vaping can cause dry mouth.
    • Behavioral Changes: Irritability or secretiveness.
    • Physical Indicators: Bloodshot eyes or coughing.

Signs Your Child Might Be Vaping

  • Unusual Scents: Sweet or fruity odors not typical of standard fragrances.
  • Increased Thirst: Vaping can cause dry mouth.
  • Behavioral Changes: Irritability or secretiveness.
  • Physical Indicators: Bloodshot eyes or coughing.

Steps for Parents

  • Open Communication

  • Discuss the dangers of vaping without judgment.
  • Educate Yourself

  • Understand the types of devices and their appearance.
  • Regular Checks

  • Respect privacy but be vigilant about unusual items.
  • Seek Professional Guidance

  • Consult with healthcare providers if you suspect vaping.


Vaping poses significant health risks, especially to developing teens. By being aware of the common hiding spots and signs of vaping, parents can better protect their children. Open dialogues and education remain the most effective tools in combating underage vaping.

If the problems described in this article are causing you distress, please contact us, and we will try to help you with your situation.

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