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Vaping and your health

While using e-cigarettes can be healthier than smoking traditional cigarettes, users still face health risks. Unfortunately, due to the recent surge in popularity, many of the long-term health effects of vaping have not yet been diagnosed and studied. Nevertheless, preliminary studies show some health and safety risks associated with vaping.

Lungs Issues

Because you are inhaling nicotine or tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) via e-cigarette, the main risk of use is related to the lungs. Vape oil is composed of a variety of chemicals and metals that can be harmful to the lungs, including flavor compounds such as nickel, tin, lead and diacetyl, and other ultrafine particles. 

You may have difficulty breathing, excessive coughing, chest pain, nausea, malaise, vomiting, and even fever due to excessive use of e-cigarettes. In more severe cases or diarrhea, you may need to be hospitalized.

A common trend in EVAL cases reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was the presence of vitamin E acetate found in many THC-containing vaping products. Vitamin E acetate is a honey-like substance used as an additive in these products and can adhere to the lungs and cause injury or illness when inhaled. 

Some substances in e-cigarettes are also associated with an increased risk of cancer. “The harmful effects of nicotine are well documented, both short-term and long-term,” he says. Nadine Cohen specializes in internal medicine and adolescent medicine at CareMount Medical. “In the short term, nicotine can cause sleep disorders, restlessness, and other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and pain around the mouth and tongue. In the long run, nicotine causes cancer, whether inhaled through e-cigarettes or regular cigarettes. “

Brain damage

Nicotine, whether from traditional cigarettes or e-cigarettes / arcs, is a pollutant, especially for young people. Its use can be detrimental to the parts of the brain that control mood, learning, attention, and impulse regulation. Nicotine adversely affects synapse formation-connections between brain cells. Many devices also produce lead-containing vapors that can damage the brain. 

“Stem cell damage reduces the brain’s ability to repair damage for the rest of a person’s life,” he says. Board-certified neurosurgeon, Mark Argintheanu. “This vaporization accelerates the aging process and makes the brain more susceptible to neurodegenerative diseases.”

Mouth/gum disease

Your mouth can be a major indicator of your body’s overall well-being. Destroying healthy bacteria and tissues with cavities is not a good way to take care of yourself. “Nicotine can reduce blood flow and nutrients to the gums. The gums need these nutrients to stay healthy,” he says. Bill Bush, DMD, Maid. “Damage to healthy gum tissue can cause a variety of mouth problems.”

Heart issues

Inhaling nicotine through vape can also affect your heart health. Nicotine raises blood pressure and adrenaline levels, raises heart rate, and increases the risk of heart attack. It also increases the likelihood of coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease. According to a recent study, 4,444 users of e-cigarettes suffer from heart attacks 56% more than non-users.

Should you be encountering any of the problems discussed in this article, please do not hesitate to contact us, and we will try to assist you in any way we can. 



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